Serra Cafema, Skeleton Coast / Kaokoveld, Namibia


Serra Cafema, Skeleton Coast / Kaokoveld


Set under verdant trees on the banks of the Kunene River, Serra Cafema is one of the most remote camps in southern Africa. Guests can truly disconnect, unwind and relax to the sound of rushing water, and explore one of the driest deserts in the world. Respectful interaction with the semi-nomadic Himba community, fascinating nature walks, boating (water levels permitting), and low-impact guided quad-bike excursions complete the experience.


The Kunene River is the only permanent source of water in this region, the river creating an oasis along its banks – a winding band of green surrounded by the lunar-like landscape of the Namib Desert which stretches to the Serra Cafema mountain range in the north. Game viewing in this area is limited to small herds of gemsbok, springbok and Hartmann's mountain zebra. The Kunene River has a large population of Nile crocodiles. Burchell's courser and Benguela long-billed lark are among the characteristic bird species to be found in this area. There are also a number of endemic reptiles, the desert plated lizard being a particular speciality.

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