4 Day andBeyond Kirkman's Kamp, Sabi Sand - Kruger


4 Day andBeyond Kirkman's Kamp, Sabi Sand - Kruger


Located high on a ridge, the camp overlooks the Sand River like a stylish matriarch gazing down upon the landscape. The green tin roof and manicured grounds carve out a soft and cultured niche in the wild and tumbling bush.
Enjoy the ritual of afternoon tea served on the spacious veranda or rolling lawn, perhaps in the company of a wild but friendly visitor or two. Leisure hours can be spent by the pool admiring the bush landscape and enjoying a special wildlife sighting in the river valley.

The original homestead of Harry Kirkman has been beautifully restored, the 18 charming suites overlook the bushveld and beautiful lawns surround the lodge and swimming pool, with spectacular views of the unspoiled landscape surrounding the Sand River. The moment you walk into the main guest area at &Beyond Kirkman’s Kamp you’ll think you’ve been transported back in time.

The fact that the lawn has warthog grazing on it instead of a neatly dressed party playing croquet does nothing to dispel this illusion; in fact, it all adds to the ambiance of this 1920s South African homestead. Impeccable and gracious service completes the old world atmosphere, as the spirit of safari comes alive at this evocative camp, set in one of the most renowned wildlife regions in the world.


Game Drive.Set out in an open 4x4 safari vehicle in the company of a ranger and tracker team, who will attempt to track your favourite animals. The Sabi Sand Game Reserve is well known for its leopard sightings and you may well spot one of these elusive cats resting after a successful night hunt. You will stop for refreshments at a scenic spot during your drive.
Tracking at andBeyond Kirkman's Kamp. Experience the thrill of tracking animals on foot, accompanied by an armed specialist ranger and tracker team. Engage all your sense as you discover a world where each sound, scent and bent blade of grass has a meaning.

WILDchild programme. andBeyond’s WILDchild programme, designed especially for children visiting our safari lodges and camps in Africa, is filled with fun, interactive activities that offer opportunities to learn and discover new experiences and cultures.

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